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Chonti Cleland
Trauma Informed Equine Gestalt and Transformation Coach, Holistic Horsewoman

Hello, I am Chonti Cleland, a dedicated practitioner with a passion for providing individuals who are seeking a healing journey with horses, with the education, love, and support needed to lead a happy, healthy, and holistic life. My goal is to help individuals thrive and flourish in all aspects of their lives by fostering a deep connection with these magnificent animals.

I firmly believe in the power of self-care and the healing properties of Horse Medicine. Through intuitive, mindful, and balanced practices, I help individuals create a life that is enriched by relationships with horses. My sessions are designed to help you connect with the spiritual essence of horses while also providing valuable life skills for maintaining positive health and well-being.

Using traditional Intuitive Reiki healing, mindfulness techniques, Gestalt and Transformation coaching, and a deep connection with horses, I offer a unique opportunity to tap into the healing power of horses. My sessions provide a peaceful and tranquil environment for learning and self-discovery, ultimately bringing you closer to your equine companions than ever before.

Chonti Cleland Founder of What Horses Teach

Discovering Purpose and Meaning Through Overcoming Adversity

My journey through the shadows of domestic violence and trauma has been a defining chapter in my life. From a young age, I struggled with feelings of shame, guilt, and fear due to the destructive behaviours exhibited by my parents. The physical violence and emotional abuse I endured left me with deep wounds that required healing.

After breaking free from the cycle of violence, I found a lack of support and understanding for those who had experienced similar traumas. Despite feeling broken and lost, I embarked on a personal mission for healing and recovery. Through introspection and self-discovery, I have learned to recognize the strength and resilience that resides within me, allowing me to overcome the lasting effects of my past experiences.

My journey has taught me to view my past struggles as opportunities for growth and transformation. By turning my pain into a source of strength, I have discovered a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in my life. Sharing my story and supporting others who have faced similar challenges has become a driving force in my journey towards self-discovery.

Horses have been a crucial component in my healing process, providing me with guidance and support along the way. As the caretaker of five equine companions, I have been introduced to modalities such as Reiki and intuitive energy healing practices, benefiting both humans and horses alike. Through this journey, I have learned the importance of resilience, empathy, and the power of transformation in the face of adversity.

My Personal Journey Towards Healing and Transformation


Embarking on the path of intuitive energy healing and Reiki marked a significant turning point in my personal journey towards healing and transformation. This spiritual practice not only provided me with hope and healing, but also unearthed a profound courage and strength within me that I had never before known.

As I delved deeper into the practice of Reiki, my perspective on the world shifted, leading me to share these healing energies with others. The impact was profound, with many experiencing significant life changes and releasing deep emotional wounds, while others underwent profound transformations on mental and spiritual levels.

Upon discovering Margrit Coates and her teachings on intuitive healing for horses and animals, a whole new world of healing modalities opened up to me. Embracing these teachings, I embarked on a journey of learning, qualification, and ultimately, teaching various holistic coaching and healing modalities, each complementing the last.

By guiding others on their healing journeys, I found my own life improving, granting me a sense of grounding, peace, confidence, and purpose. Incorporating Horses as coaches and guides further solidified my life’s purpose, enabling me to become the person necessary to fulfill my destiny.

My transformative sessions, referred to as Horse Medicine by my clients, have proven to be powerful tools for healing the mind, body, and spirit, empowering individuals to take control of their own healing paths. Through these sessions, I have empowered many individuals to discover their inner strength, and supported trauma survivors in cultivating feelings of peace, joy, and connection to life, ultimately aiding them not only in healing from trauma, but also in thriving and flourishing.

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Chonti Cleland of What Horses Teach

Calm Mind Open Heart -  Back to Harmony With Horses

Throughout this incredible journey, my horses have evolved into my spiritual guides, offering me invaluable lessons and insights that have profoundly impacted my life. By immersing myself in their wisdom, I have discovered a new way of being that brings joy, peace, and balance into my existence. I firmly believe that horses possess a unique ability to guide and aid us in our journey towards healing and self-discovery.

Embracing their extraordinary healing powers has transformed my perspective on life, allowing me to gain a deeper understanding of myself, others, and the world around me. My horses serve as my muses, driving me to share the knowledge I have gained on my path towards healing and finding my true purpose with them as my companions.

I am convinced that horses possess the power to lead us on a spiritual expedition towards inner healing, heightened awareness, and soulful growth. By heeding their wisdom, we can sharpen our intuitive instincts and mend the broken pieces of our lives.

It is my purpose to guide individuals

It is my purpose to guide individuals back to their true essence through the transformative power of connecting with horses. In the realm of healing, awareness, and transformation, horses serve as profound teachers, showing us how to deeply connect with nature, trust our inner wisdom, and unleash our innate healing capabilities for ourselves and others. Through the healing energy of horses and their medicine, we rediscover our interconnectedness with all living beings, expanding our consciousness and depth of insight.

I am deeply passionate about facilitating healing for those who are seeking to reconnect with their authentic selves. It is a privilege to be able to support individuals on their personal healing journeys, as we work together to tap into the profound healing energy of horses and nature.

I invite you to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and healing with horses by your side. This experience is designed to awaken your spirit, inspire a sense of oneness with all creation, and empower you to reclaim your natural ability to heal yourself and those around you. It would be my honor to guide you on this transformative path towards healing and wholeness.

Chonti xx

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Are you on a busy yard with other people around?  No, my horses and I reside in a secluded field nestled among hedges and trees, generously loaned to me by a dear friend. It provides a discreet and peaceful environment for my clients to enjoy exclusive, undisturbed equine experiences.

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