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 Reiki Meditation with Horses
Inhale, Exhale, Relax, Let Go…

Reiki Meditation with Horses

Inhale, Exhale, Relax, Let Go…

Join me for a transformative journey of Reiki Meditation with Horses in the serene surroundings of a Cheshire field. In a world filled with change and chaos, allow yourself to unwind, disconnect, and release the burdens weighing you down.

Reiki Meditation with Horses is a powerful practice that fosters mental and physical relaxation by focusing on deep breathing and body awareness in the presence of calming, healing horses. By immersing yourself in horse energy and nature, you can synchronise your rhythm with the natural world, promoting healing and restoration.

Join me for a transformative experience with horses, known for their ability to anchor us in the present moment. Gain insights into Reiki Meditation Mindfulness and valuable lessons from these remarkable creatures.

"Whispered in hushed tones, the sacred practice of Reiki Meditation with Horses beckons you to rediscover the hidden fragments of yourself. It gently reminds you that each day is a precious treasure, often overlooked in the chaos of modern life. In our constant rush for more, we lose sight of the simple pleasure of existence. Through the healing energy of Reiki and the serene presence of horses, you are transported back to the blissful state of pure being, if only for a fleeting moment."  Chonti

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These sessions will provide an introduction to horse medicine, reiki meditation with horses to deepen your connection with the present. By the end, you will feel centred, serene, and equipped with tools to find peace amidst daily stress.

If you own a horse within 40 miles of CW8, don't miss this chance for self-discovery and renewal with your equine companion. Contact me to schedule your session.

Each 60-minute session includes meeting the horses, brief discussion, grounding and mindfulness meditations. Sessions are limited to 2 individuals at my paddock, or 4 if I come to you and your horses.

♦ Single session - £50 per person

♦ 3 sessions booked in advance - £120

To book, please email Chonti at or call/WhatsApp using the number below to arrange your Reiki Meditation with Horses.

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Are you on a busy yard with other people around?  No, my horses and I reside in a secluded field nestled among hedges and trees, generously loaned to me by a dear friend. It provides a discreet and peaceful environment for my clients to enjoy exclusive, undisturbed equine experiences.

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