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Women and their Horses

Once upon a time you fell in love with horses. You were inexplicably drawn to their liquid eyes, their gentle spirit, their warmth and their power.

But over time the communication blocks, limiting beliefs, frustration, irritation started to strain this very deep love affair, and I know some of you would ask yourself, even for the shortest of periods - was all this time, effort and money worth it.

And maybe you pick yourself up again, and muddle through - but something heavy lies in the bottom of your heart and the pit of your stomach - the questions - "what am I missing? Is it me? or is it my horse?"

I do have some good news for you there is nothing wrong with your horse — and there’s nothing wrong with your heart.


It's just that this very special relationship needs attention, nourishment and tender maintenance, for both women and their horses.

But what does that look like? It's about discovering the power of the pause, the intuition of the breath, it's about you both being non judgmentally curious about each other; it's about solving problems, stabilizing moods such as anxiety, overwhelm and "what ifs"; it's about your horse feeling seen, heard, and supported.

And for you, by understanding the world from your horse’s point of view, you will walk away with new insights, solutions and peace of mind and a deeper partnership.

To discover more - get in touch.

Where horse logic meets mindful connections
Women and their horses

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