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Welcome Home Energy Toolkit

There is an old saying " You can only make a first impression once!"

Whilst this is very true for human interactions and relationships - it is also true for our horse and pet companions.

When we welcome a new horse into our life it's in transition mode and so are we! Something we very often forget.

The energy resonance between a person and a new horse will be forever transform when new energy enters.

Naturally creating a welcoming, calm new home environment is the best thing we can do, but even so remember that this is a stressful time for the new horse. Even if their previous home was a loving environment - they will be tense, and there is a chance that their departure from their last home, or even the travelling to their new one could be stressful, anxiety ridden or even traumatic.

Then they arrive and everything is new, the environment, energy, smells, sensations - it is all new - they need time to settle in, acclimate and work out what is going on around them and to them.

Don't be surprised if it takes a few days, weeks, months or even years for them to truly settle in and accept the new change - some horses do not acclimatise that quickly. It takes time to build a bond, connection and trust - but once you do - the patience and time given is so well worth it.

Here are some ideas from my Energy Healing Toolkit that will help you, horses or any other animal that comes into a new home.


Softly and calmly let the horse or new pet know how excited you are that they have entered your world and welcome them into your world - remember I said softly and calmly - personally the way I do this is to stand close but safely by them and whisper.

If you have other horses, share your joy with them too, calmly and softly - let them see how happy you are that all your horses are included in this new family dynamic and how much you love each and every one of them - the new horse is included in this new family dynamic.

Doing this will help change your energy from an anxious one to a positive one - it is your energy and body language that will be picked up on.


Release signs of tension, anxiety or worry about the new horse fitting in - you can do this through breathwork.

Regulate your own breathing - bring your thinking levels down to neutral, and breathe deeply, filling your lungs, expanding your diaphragm, hold for a moment and then slowly release. Do this when you are at the yard and around your new horse, and being with any existing horses that you share your life with.

If you show a neutral position with good breathwork - it will support everyone settling in nicely. When engaging with the new horse and existing horse, watch your breath.


If you start to see signs of tension, keep up the calm verbal communication, and perhaps rub the ears and stroke along the back on the bladder meridian. Grounding techniques are also a good idea, as they will improve the new and existing horses sense of security and safety.

If you need help with this - let me know - I can teach you how to do some bodywork and grounding with your new horse and any existing horses that you may have.

Energy Work

Imagine you are whisking away all that fear in one big sweep, from the top of their head, through and off the end of their tail. Or try soothing touch, with a gentle sweep away.

If you need help with this - let me know - I can teach you how to do some Energy Work with your new horse and any existing horses that you may have.


For Horses, the calming herbs to try are valerian and chamomile.

Essential Oils.

Try clary sage to awaken curiosity and bergamot for grounding. Juniper helps purify, and neroli calms the system.

While you don't want to apply any of them directly to your horse's skin, you can use them via aromatherapy—where your horse actively smells the oils, either under their nose via a cotton ball, or on a piece of fabric - you simply allow them to smell the oils - make sure you do not put anything in their mouths either.

Energetic Introduction

If you have other pets or horses, make an Energetic Introduction to them before the new horse or animal arrives. Prepare them by explaining they will be sharing their lives with someone new and that whilst it make take a little time for everyone to settle in it will be warm, happy and excellent for all concerned. Make this energetic introduction from your heart - give it positive and happy, relaxing intention. If one of your horses is considered the leader of the herd, imagine and set the intention that that horse will show the newbie the ropes in a calm manner. If you have a horse or animal that is considered the nurturer - set the intention and imagine that that horse or animal is in charge of the welcoming.

For You

Moving is stressful whether it is a home, or bringing a new horse or pet into your environment so make sure you prepare yourself beforehand.

Try positive affirmations that you repeat to slow down and stop the over thinking and what if scenarios.

Scan your body for anxiety and release through breathwork, have a support system in place if needed. Visualise everything going well and smoothly. If the "what ifs" creep in take a couple of steps back, breathe and reassess where you are in your body and energy wise - reduce it down to neutral.

Remember you've got this.

If it still feels overwhelming I Can Help

Bringing a new horse into an established environment, or even to a new home can feel daunting and overwhelming - I am often asked to assist with this new adventure - whether it is supporting you through communication, energetically, or through the Law of Expectation or all 3 before the move, at the time of the move or to assist with the settling in period after the move - if you feel you could do with some extra support - give me a call.

My Wish For you and your new horse/new animal

Enjoy this new journey, allow yourself to just Be with your new friend and enjoy getting to know each other - take your time - it's a journey, a path to connection and trust and remember every horse is unique, just as you are unique too.

Take care Chanti x

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