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Top Tip No: 2 What Needs to Come Up Will - Equine-Assisted Coaching / Feel to Heal Workshop

What Needs To Come Up Will - this is my next top tip.

Many try to force their inner work to get ahead or get closer to their goals - or they will strive to ignore it and push it back down – which is understandable when you know something is in the way blocking yourself and your goals!

The truth is the inner work will always come up to the surface when it’s ready to. It can’t be forced or pushed nor can it be ignored as it will keep biting you on the bum.

You will know when it’s ready to be addressed by how you feeling within yourself. If you’re feeling irritated, angry, triggered by someone or a situation or unhappy these are all common signs a wound is coming up to be released.

I have some great tools and techniques you can use to identify what the belief, fear or block is so you can make use of these when looking into what is coming up for you from moment to moment.

If you feel good and the above signs don’t resonate then celebrate!

If you are struggling with baggage and stuff - why not connect with me through a Signpost Call - a one of call to get you started on your journey.

I hope this helps x

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