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Signs you may be ungrounded

Present-day lifestyles leave us very little room to connect with the earth.

Today we live in high rise buildings, everything is mechanized, and depending on where you live, it may be between a few weeks to a few years before you last visited a forest or a farm. This coupled with the continuous usage of technology, leave our lower chakras extremely starved.

What follows are a few signs that you may be ungrounded and NEED to reconnect to the earth.

  1. Feeling You Don't Belong

The main function of the root chakra is to establish a foothold without this you are likely to feel a strong sense of lack of belonging. This is an indication of a very weak root chakra. If you find yourself getting caught up in visions of other realms, chasing fantasies whilst ignoring your actual life, lost in alien theories and even conspiracy theories, feeling out of place or connection with your body, your family, society - these are all strong indications that you need to focus on grounding.

2. Feeling Spaced Out - Not With It

Do you ever feel disorientated, spaced out, as though it is impossible to think - let alone think clearly. This is as a result of an extreme lack of grounding.

Being absent-minded is often a direct result of feeling spaced out, and you may end repeatedly misplacing things, losing track of what one was just saying or doing, and forgetting important tasks.

Another way this can manifest is if you repeatedly bump into objects, (which is one of my main signs of being un-grounded), and in extreme cases, meet with accidents.

3. Overly Sensitive

Another sign you may be un-grounded is if you become overly sensitive to sound, light, energies particularly those from other people, thoughts and words not just from ourselves but others too. When we come across someone with negative energies or we perceive that they are negative we struggle to handle them, and end up feeling low and invaded.

4. Hard to Concentrate

If you are finding it hard to concentrate on anything, you are ungrounded. I am talking about being unable to focus on tasks, work, conversations etc. Simple tasks seem difficult, losing the thread of a conversation, work feeling impossible and unnecessary. Another sign is feeling tired all the time and having no get up and go particularly when chores or work needs to be done.

5. Daydreaming

Are you staring into space, lost in your own little world? Or are you repeatedly lost in your own fantasies about the future or ruminating about unreal, what if scenarios - yet another sign that you are ungrounded.

6. Nervous

The root chakra is associated with action and implementation and when it is depleted and weak, the subconscious knows that you are going to falter which results in stress, anxiety and a spaced-out feeling over the slightest thing and perceived as pressure.

7. Decision Making seems Impossible

A strong, stable root chakra gives you a good handle on pragmatic and grounded realities. An ungrounded root chakra results in difficulty making decisions and having confidence in your decisions resulting in constant second guessing and ruminating repeatedly - sometimes to the point of mental and emotional exhaustion.

8. Issues with Sleep

An ungrounded root chakra often means your other chakras are working twice as hard resulting in too much energy in the upper chakras and this affects sleep. You are likely to struggle with in sleep patterns, lying wide awake at night for hours, or sleeping incessantly when your root chakra is ungrounded

9. Poor Digestion

Think about your Digestion System. It needs downward moving energies, and when there is too much energy in the upper chakras and none in the lower ones, the body is incapable of processing any food properly.

In contrast, when a person can eat large amounts of food and still remain slim, that also indicates a lack of grounding – the body is unable to absorb any nutrients from the food due to lack of energy.

In short a lack of grounding can and does cause health issues, it also affects our relationships with ourselves, our animals, horses and people around us. I am a huge advocate for regular grounding exercises and grounding the root chakra.

How is your root chakra today?

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