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Self Healing with Horses - How Horses helped me stop being a victim of my emotions and taught me how to actually feel and heal.

Growing up, many of us are taught to suppress our emotions. We are told that it is not okay to express our feelings in a healthy way, leading to a society where emotions are either bottled up or explode in inappropriate ways. This can result in feeling shut down, depressed, or lashing out at others. Horses can help us relearn how to regulate our emotions in a healthy way.

Self Healing with Horses - How Horses Help

Horses have a unique ability to sense our emotions. They can feel the tension in our bodies when we are experiencing strong emotions. If we have unreleased tension, they may react by moving away or becoming tense themselves. This can help us become more aware of our emotions and learn how to regulate them. The following is what my horses taught me about my emotions and how to feel to heal.

Steps to Emotional Regulation

1. My horses taught me to practice self-awareness: Whenever I am with them, I check in with myself and ask how am I feeling. Is there any tension in my body? Where is it coming from?

2. They taught me to name and locate the feeling in my body and to be curious about it, not judgmental.

3. They showed me how to focus on the feeling and allow myself to experience it fully in a safe, non judgmental space, with their guidance and support.

4. They taught me how they release tension in their bodies through movement, yawning, and shaking their body, to relax my muscles, grounding myself, and using my voice to release any pent-up emotions.

5. They shared with me that once I felt lighter, it was safe to continue with my day.

Remember, if you don't feel safe to work with your emotions in the moment, you can still follow these steps in a more subtle way. Just make sure to find a moment later to fully process the emotions that arise.

I hope this helps you on your journey to emotional healing and regulation.


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