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'New Year, New You: Set Boundaries for a Stronger, Healthier You'

'New Year, New You: Set Boundaries for a Stronger, Healthier You'
'New Year, New You: Set Boundaries for a Stronger, Healthier You'

Understanding how to set boundaries, your personal limits is essential for building and maintaining healthy relationships, and this also includes if you are running your own business to a certain extent. Allow me to explain why.

Most of us know what the word “boundaries” means, but we often have no idea what they are or are scared to implement them, leaving us feeling used, abused, and fully taken advantage of. This just doesn't happen in our personal lives but also in our working or business lives too. I know that I have been guilty of allowing people to take full advantage of me; saying Yes when I really meant to say No and agreeing to things that caused a loss or hardship in some way.

So let's take a look at Boundaries and start 2024 as we mean to.

Boundaries are not rigid lines drawn in the sand that are clear for all to see.

Boundaries are a way to take care of ourselves,. When you understand how to set and maintain healthy boundaries, you can avoid the feelings of resentment, disappointment, and anger that build up when limits have been pushed.

What are boundaries?

Boundaries can take many forms. They can range from being rigid and strict to appearing almost nonexistent.

If you have more rigid boundaries, you might:

  • keep others at a distance

  • seem detached, even with intimate partners

  • have few close relationships

  • avoid close relationships

If you have more loose or open boundaries, you might:

  • get too involved with others’ problems

  • find it difficult to say “no” to others’ requests

  • overshare personal information with others

  • seek to please others for fear of rejection

  • agree to something that causes and results in anxiety and stress for you

A person with healthy boundaries understands that making their expectations clear helps in two ways: it establishes what behaviour you will accept from other people, and it establishes what behaviour other people can expect from you.

If you have healthy boundaries, you might:

  • share personal information appropriately (not too much or not too little)

  • understand your personal needs and wants and know how to communicate them

  • value your own opinions

  • accept when others tell you “no”

  • saying No when you need to.

Many of us have a mix of boundaries depending on the situation. For example, you might have strict boundaries at work and more loose ones at home or with family and friends. In your business, you may give to a client to such an extent that you feel taken advantage of, do not get paid for your time and energy, or have a client that does not value your services and your efforts, in a variety of ways; but you maintain the relationship despite all the red flags in the hope that things will change.

So as it is the start of a new year and a journey for you on a new path - take a look at how you can improve your personal and professional boundaries - write them down, and decide what changes you want to make.

And if you want some help with this - get in touch.

New Year. New You. No red flags. Strong, healthy boundaries!

As we gain confidence in ourselves, red flags are no longer red flags - They are Deal Breakers

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