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In a lot of ways we are just like horses - Horse Medicine

When the tough times come, remember: Seek peace, not resolution.

When the storms of life rage around you, remember this: Seek solace, not answers.

In many ways, we are mirrors of our majestic steeds... that is the wisdom of horse medicine.

When faced with danger, whether from relationships, stress, or our own minds, our immediate reaction is often to react emotionally rather than rationally.

We tend to seek ways to evade the discomfort, mistaking it for a genuine threat.

Like horses, we must halt and confront our fears, understanding that they are usually just unpleasant sensations rather than actual peril.

Yet, when confronted with challenging emotions, our primal instincts kick in, urging us to fight, flee, or freeze.

Instead of seeking a hasty resolution, we should strive to find inner peace in order to regain command of our thoughts and actions.

Though it may not be effortless, it is indeed possible.

The next time you feel engulfed by turmoil, pursue tranquility - take deep breaths, meditate, or even spend time in the presence of a horse.

By mastering our own emotions, we can attain equilibrium and serenity, much like our noble equine companions teach us to do.

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