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I'm An Outsider in the Horse World and I like It

I’m An Outsider In the equestrian world! And I like it!

Phew there I have said it - and put it in writing - I Am An Outsider in the Equestrian World and I am bloody proud of it too!

When I was a child there was a lot of pressure to fit in. Actually let me correct that - all my life I have been under pressure to fit in - but in all honesty that is just not me! I was born a tomboy and I will die a tomboy, and I don't mind getting soaking wet, freezing cold, muddy hands and face, covered in horse hair, dog hair, you name it - I embrace it and damn well enjoy it!

Standing out and being different can make people a target.

People say there is safety in being part of the crowd. I’ll be honest, that just doesn't appeal to me and whenever I have tried to fit in, it didn’t last long.

I’ve always felt that being normal was a tad boring. Being myself meant embracing all the things that made me different and unique. As I became an adult I gained more confidence to do my own thing, even if it didn’t fit the status quo.

My early career was as a lawyer and I didn't fit in there either. I wore trouser suits to court no less - rather than the typical black pencil skirt and matching jacket. I simplified the cases I worked on making them easier for them to be processed by the Judges and I had a sense of humour - which wasn't common in the legal profession at all!

In my legal career I was told by a particular Judge that "It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep," and he was right - it's been my motto ever since.

By nature humans prefer to label things. In the world of horses it’s no different. Dressage riders fit a certain image, show jumpers fit another. You hear, “Oh, she’s an eventer, she’s just a happy hacker etc.” Or “They don't ride, they pay for an expensive pet -----"

There is safety in the expected, or the normal. It’s certainly easy if you start taking lessons in a particular discipline to stay within those confines, but in reality I feel you are missing out on so much.

There is so much more to horses than being horsey, equestrian disciplines and what have you. So much more and it's a world that I have actively sought out and explored for most of my life.

Apparently this makes me an outsider in this sport.

I don't fit in - I have been on livery yards where being different was unacceptable and the bullying began.

I have been to yards to support horses and their owners where where being different was weird, or they rolled their eyes or laughed at me behind my back because I saw horses as intelligent, sentient beings long before this buzz words became current news.

I have personal issues over the use of whips and crops (the details are coming up in a blog post to be released on 3rd September) and supported my horses without the use of those items - this makes me weird too.

I have calmed aggressive horses, and nervous horses with my energy, my intent and my heart - but because these are all invisible to the naked eye - I am weird and an outsider.

I could go on but the most important thing I want to say is this.

I LOVE Being an Outsider in the horse world - if that is what you want to label me as.

Every human is unique, just as every horse is unique - we all have our little quirks and things that make us buzz and tick - what's wrong with that.

Being an Outsider in the equestrian world I wear whatever I feel most comfortable in that day, usually jeans and boots, even to the shows I go to to support friends and clients. I even turn up in a battered, old, original land rover - that sounds like a tank as it rumbles along at less than 50 miles an hour - that makes me weird too!

I have rescued 5 horses that were aggressive and scared of humans, and worked with only my intuition, my whole being, energy, communication and connection, - rather than tools, gadgets, force and pressure.

I'm weird because I want to boost others up and help them be themselves, whether timid, nervous, or simply overthinking.

So yes, I may be an outsider, and yes I am absolutely am weird but my family, my horses, dogs and cats love me for it - and I love every minute of being an outsider and weird.

Why - Because horses are my happy place and I’ve been able to find a group of other horse-crazy women that celebrate each other rather than bringing them down.

Do you want to be an outsider with me? Let’s be friends!

I am an Outsider in the Horse World and Proud of It
Chanti with Harvey and Nell

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