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Crimewatch 2016

Over the years I have met amazing people, wonderful horses and witnessed transformations that even today, still blow my mind.

But I did something else, with some horses from Manchester and it was featured on BBC's Crimewatch Roadshow back in June 2016!!!

Did I commit a crime? Attempt to steal some horses? Or was it something else?

Well my friends it was something else.

It was a 15 minute mini feature on the equine assisted healing and therapy work I was doing at the time supporting emergency service personnel, children and families suffering trauma and injuries from the Manchester Arena Bombing, and members of the public needing a little therapy and a large dose of horse love!

Go on admit it - I had you going for a moment or two didn't I?

In this feature we worked on tunnel vision for problems, trauma, and the things that we ruminate on, the emotions we have buried and the life we no longer notice.

Participants were invited to take an unemotional step back, with the support of a horse.

If one step didn't cool the situation we were working with, the participants took more.

With the support of the horse, participants were invited to start noticing their own tunnel vision.

So much of working with horses is about being your own investigator whether you are a horse owner, rider or being supported by horses in an equine assisted therapy session.

The search began. Focus was less on the troubling feelings and behaviours (participants knew they could not change what happened, what they witnessed, what they saw), and more on their individual situation.

Breathwork at this point was introduced as they processed where they were in their bodies, their feelings, their thoughts and emotions. The horse was there supporting, ensuring the participant stayed congruent throughout the process, and gave gentle nudges and cues in helping participants to move forward for themselves.

The horse has to react to let the participants know the things they don’t want to hear, or see, and the changes they struggle to make.

Now participants were invited to pull their vision back even farther. The participants believe that the horse, whose senses are so much better than theirs have psychic powers, hears and smells and feels things at a more subtle level than our dull senses.

Horses brought the participants back to the physical world, the one the participants had lost touch with.

Wouldn’t we all be smarter if we allowed horses to take us back to a time when we felt something wild in the wind?

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