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Holistic Connections with Horses

"The rules are but illusions, the boxes mere constructs of man. Truth is found in the dance of paradox, the whispers of nuance, and the depths of mystery. Here is your invitation to heed the whispers of your horse, unfiltered by human influence."  Chonti 

Horsewomanship ReImagined

Get ready to dive deep into the incredible world of Horsewomanship ReImagined! We're going to go inward, listen closely, and slow down as we learn to align our energies with our horses. With trust, respect, and a focus on the learning process, we'll take their education to the next level without ever compromising the special bond we share.

In Horsewomaship ReImagined sessions, we'll explore how energy flows through both the horse and ourselves. Through visualisation exercises and hands-on work with your horse, we'll practice controlling and coordinating our energy centres. Your horses will give you instant feedback, showing you the power of your internal awareness in shaping your external circumstances.

With a focus on Attunement, Cognition, Connection, and Flow, Horsewomanship ReImagined is all about building strong relationships. We'll prioritise the quality of your horse-human partnership, understanding how your horse perceives you and ensuring your horse has the clarity and wellness he/she needs to succeed.

For many of my clients, their horse is a beloved part of the family. As initiators of the horse-human interaction, it's our responsibility to provide them with the support they need. By observing their behaviours and biomechanics, building trust and partnership through the Energetic Connection, and learning to control our own energy, you will naturally build confidence and strengthen your bond with your horse. Get ready for an exciting journey of growth and connection!

"Imagine stumbling upon a hidden river of energy, a powerful force guiding us and our horses along the most perfect path. It's always there, just waiting for us to be caught up in its exhilarating flow. That's the incredible vision behind the creation of the Horsewomanship Re-Imagined series!"  Chonti


"Picture reaching that state of pure synchronicity with your horse, where your minds and bodies connect effortlessly like magic. It's like diving into a stream of endless energy that links us to the wonders of Nature. The more we tap into this flow, the closer we come to living our most vibrant lives! It's all about staying present, tuning into our somatic experiences to quiet our thoughts and seamlessly bridge the gap between intention and action. Release your resistance, release control, and join forces with your horse to ride the waves of harmony and unity together."  Chonti

Get ready to be swept off your feet by the magic of Horsewomanship Re-Imagined!

"Oh my goodness, can you believe how amazing it is to connect with our horses in such a profound way? They naturally seek harmony and guide us back to our ideal state because living in balance with Nature is just their default mode! And guess what? We can learn so much from them. They don't overthink things like we do, they just focus on finding peace and balance. When we sync up with their rhythm, both internally and externally, magic happens. We find inner peace, regulate our heartbeat, and enter a state of flow unlike anything we've experienced before. Horsewomanship Re-Imagined gives us a unique opportunity to practice finding peace and balance, all while strengthening the bond with our horses. It's truly a beautiful way to combine mind, body, and soul with our equine partners."   Chonti


If this resonates with you and you're excited to dive into this transformative journey, reach out to me today and let's embark on this incredible adventure together!

In Person Sessions with You and your Horse
1-Hour Session | Price: £60 for horse owner and horse at your location/yard, (within 40 miles of CW8)

A Course of 6 x 1-Hour Sessions for horse owner and horse at your location/yard | Price £330


Outside of CW8 - Online Sessions are available | £50 1-Hour Session Online

A Course of 6 x 1-Hour Sessions Online | Price £270

Get in touch to book your session today by using the buttons below.

One of my most significant achievements lies in the autonomy I have attained, where I no longer feel the need to justify my choices regarding my horses to others. True freedom is found in this place. I am content in my ways, seeking no validation or approval from anyone. Our bond is strong, and we live by our own rules. Those who wish to witness our connection are welcome, but we do not seek to convince or conform to the expectations of others. This is our sanctuary, a place of mutual respect and understanding between myself and my equine companions. Our journey has not been easy, facing scrutiny and judgment from others. But through perseverance and dedication, we have created a fulfilling existence. It all started with a decision to prioritise the emotional and mental well-being of my horses, leading to a bond built on trust and mutual respect. Our relationship is based on mutual understanding and regard for each other as sentient beings. This is the essence of our unity, a sacred connection that transcends conventional expectations. I want this for you and your horse.  If you are ready to bid farewell to frustration and embrace a new era of trust and mutual understanding in your relationship with your horse, reach out to me. Let's build a holistic connection that resonates on a profound level.

So, my sister, who's into holistic therapies etc, told me I should check out Chonti and her horses for a session. I'm not really into all that holistic stuff like she is, but I have to admit - her relationship with her horse was amazing, and I knew she had worked with Chonti and I was at a point where I knew I needed to do something different, outside of the box for me. At the same time I was feeling overwhelmed, burnt out, and couldn't stop crying, and I was blaming my horse because every time I was with her I just fell to pieces.
Chonti came over and as soon as I saw her I just started crying and she comforted me with a gentle hug before we got started.
Chonti showed and shared so many things that not only opened my eyes, but opened my heart.   My mare looked different and more peaceful and I found myself mirroring that. The session was amazing and now I see Chonti once a month because she has so much to teach me. It was my birthday recently and my sister gifted me two sessions because she knows how much I love it. I even sit in the field with mymare now, slowing down and sharing space and it's even more... well, profound. Trust me, you've gotta try this for your own sanity, if nothing else.   Eleanor P
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Are you on a busy yard with other people around?  No, my horses and I reside in a secluded field nestled among hedges and trees, generously loaned to me by a dear friend. It provides a discreet and peaceful environment for my clients to enjoy exclusive, undisturbed equine experiences.

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