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If you're a horse owner facing some challenges, you're not alone. Sometimes you need a little help navigating the ups and downs of horse life. That's where I come in.

I get it. Being a horse owner comes with its own set of unique challenges. But finding a therapist who truly understands the equestrian world can make all the difference. Trust me, I've been there.

If you're feeling overwhelmed with anxiety, stress, or just need some support with your horse-related issues, I'm here to help. I've been in your shoes and I know how to provide the right kind of support.

"Only a horse person truly comprehends the struggles and obstacles we endure. The bond between us is unbreakable, providing strength and reassurance in times of need.


At our core, we are all united as horse people. While our loved ones may try to understand, only a fellow horse person truly connects with your essence. Trust in the solidarity of our connection."  Chonti


"Our shared experiences with these majestic creatures shape us in ways that others may never fully grasp. The early mornings spent mucking out stalls, the late nights comforting a sick horse, the exhilarating feeling of galloping through an open field - these moments bond us together in a way that transcends words. It's a unique understanding that only those who have felt the power and grace of a horse beneath them can truly appreciate. So let us continue to lean on each other, to share our stories and support one another, knowing that we are all part of this special community of horse people."  Chonti

Once a tumble from your horse leaves you feeling shaken, there's no need to fret. Just shake it off and climb back into the saddle. Your hands may be clammy, your nerves on edge, and your breathing uneven. But don't let it consume you. Confront your fears and venture out once more. Push that fall to the depths of your mind for now. Others may advise you to do so, but this time, it's not that simple.

Following a riding mishap, you may be filled with a mix of emotions – sadness, anger, or plain anxiety. A desire to avoid your horse, your equestrian companions, or even people in general may arise. You may even contemplate quitting riding altogether. Any little thing can trigger the memories of that fall, OR it could be something completely unrelated to your partnership with your horse, but triggers manifest when you are with your horse.

Consider my client, Emma. Though she didn't actually fall off her horse, panic attacks ensued just from the thought of setting foot in the stables. After a month of steering clear, Emma sought assistance. Uncovering that her distress stemmed not from a riding incident, but from a turbulent childhood compounded by menopause, we worked through her issues, soothed her nerves, and devised coping mechanisms. Once ready, I accompanied her on a visit to her horse. Gradually, Emma and her horse, Jasper, found their rhythm. Now, she's back in the saddle, relishing her rides and rekindling that rapport with Jasper.

For horse owners, anxiety, stress, and trauma can interfere with their equine relationships, even if these issues are unrelated to their bond with their horse or an accident involving their horse.



Establishing a deep, trusting bond with your therapist is essential. Feel comfortable sharing your experiences as a horse owner with me - your secrets are safe with me.

Don't hesitate to reach out for help. As a fellow horse lover, trauma informed equine gestalt coach and holistic horse owner, I understand the challenges and joys that come with taking care of these majestic creatures. Whether you're facing training difficulties, health concerns, or simply need someone to listen, I'm here to offer my support and guidance.

Let's connect in confidence and explore your journey of horse ownership together. With my extensive time spent in the stables and in the saddle, I know the special connection between a horse and its owner. I've learned valuable lessons along the way that I'm eager to share with fellow horse enthusiasts like you. Together, we can build a harmonious and rewarding relationship with your horse that will benefit every aspect of your life.

As a trauma informed equine gestalt coach, and an experienced horse owner who has competed and values holistic therapy, I invite you to initiate a private conversation if my story resonates with you. You don't have to face this alone.

Online sessions are available for £60 per 75 minutes, and opting for a bundled package can lead to long-term growth and progress. Wherever you are located, you can still benefit from my equine expertise and support through my online sessions, by phone or facetime calls.

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Are you on a busy yard with other people around?  No, my horses and I reside in a secluded field nestled among hedges and trees, generously loaned to me by a dear friend. It provides a discreet and peaceful environment for my clients to enjoy exclusive, undisturbed equine experiences.

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