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Equine Infused Wellness Sessions with What Horses Teach

Are you prepared to return to the depths of your heart? You hold the key to unlock your inner wisdom and consciously release negative patterns and behaviours that hinder your growth. The power to make radical decisions and forge a new path lies within you.

Begin by delving into the mysteries of energy and mastering the art of creating a harmonious existence that breeds vitality, joy, and serenity.

Uncover your True Self through the profound teachings of Horse Medicine, a transformative experience that will guide you towards self-realisation and empowerment. Break free from limiting beliefs and behaviours, and step into a life that resonates with your authentic essence.


My clients have coined the term "Horse Medicine" to describe the healing sessions they experience with me and my horses.


They have come to understand the importance of seeking healing outside of environments that may have caused them harm.

If you have ever been curious about what a Horse Medicine session entails, allow me to provide some insight into the experience.

Horse Medicine is a distinctive modality that honours the innate wisdom of horses in its purest form. These majestic animals, with complete freedom and autonomy, act as guides to assist humans in reconnecting with their inner wisdom and authenticity.

With their remarkable intuition, horses are capable of sensing and responding to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of individuals. This unique ability provides valuable bio-feedback with the support of a trained facilitator. Through this interaction, individuals can gain awareness of their internal world and work towards reclaiming their complete selves - body, mind, and spirit.

At times, seeking help and embracing vulnerability can be the most courageous step we take.  Horse Medicine, focuses on empowering individuals to recognise their resilience and inner strength, rather than simply talking or fixing their issues.

By being in the gentle presence of horses, we can learn to trust our instincts and connect with our emotions within a safe, non-judgmental environment. This therapeutic approach allows individuals to tap into their intuition and experience healing through the profound connection between human and horse.

Just one encounter with a Horse can show you the incredible healing power they have. Over millions of years of evolution, Horses have developed a strong energetic ability that can help us connect to a higher level of consciousness and deepen our bond with the Earth and ourselves. Their intuition and energy can tap into emotions we might not even realize we're holding onto, giving us immediate feedback on how to release them. Horse Medicine Sessions are a chance to hang out with these amazing animals, experience their wisdom, and gain some clarity in your life.


By embracing this unique method, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, ultimately leading them towards a more authentic and fulfilling life.

These intimate sessions, held outdoors weather permitting, will allow you to connect with me and my horses on a deeper level.


For those with their own horse, sessions can also be arranged within a 40-mile radius of CW8 in Cheshire.

Are you ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing? Secure your spot for a  Horse Medicine Session today and immerse yourself in the enchanting world of these gentle equine beings. Let us begin this transformative experience together.

Sessions start at £80 for 90 minutes

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Are you on a busy yard with other people around?  No, my horses and I reside in a secluded field nestled among hedges and trees, generously loaned to me by a dear friend. It provides a discreet and peaceful environment for my clients to enjoy exclusive, undisturbed equine experiences.

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